AGM Minutes

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AGM 2024 Minutes

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AGM 2024 Presentation

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Conference 2024 Presentation Manolo Donaire

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Conference 2024 Presentation Hans Ingels

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Conference 2024 Presentation Sylvain Antoniotti

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Conference 2024 Presentation Jocelyne Kurtz

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AGM 2023 Presentation Stephane Rey

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AGM 2023 Presentation Denis Geffroy

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AGM 2023 Presentation Prof. Jim Bridges

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AGM 2023 Presentation Manolo Donaire

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AGM Minutes 2023

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AGM 2022 Presentation Jean Mane & Eric Angelini

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AGM 2022 Presentation Elisabeth Vossen

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AGM 2022 Presentation Marc Vocanson

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AGM 2022 Presentation Graham Ellis

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AGM Minutes 2022

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AGM Minutes 2021

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AGM Minutes 2020


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The European Federation of Essential Oils aims to represent producers and traders of essential oils and related products within Europe. It protects and promotes their interest and acts in defence of these products at relevant national, European and international level.

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