Categories & Fees

I. Active Member (Residence in the EU)

A. National essential oils and raw material Association (1 per country)

€ 4 636,00

B. Individual Member (traders, producers and fragrances houses other than finished goods houses)
B-1 If they don´t belong to associations that are members of EFEO

€ 2 201,00

B-2 If they do belong to associations* that are members of EFEO

€ 721,00

II. Associate Member

A. Other representative association/federation

€ 4 636,00

B. Individual Member (traders, producers and fragrances houses other than finished goods houses)

B-1 If they don´t belong to associations that are members of EFEO

€ 2 201,00

B-2 If they do belong to associations** that are members of EFEO

€ 721,00

C. Governmental Organisations

€ 4 636,00

D. Finished goods houses

€ 4 636,00

E. Professional Organisations ***

€ 2 201,00

*   Active member associations currently are: VDC, SNIAA, BEOA, BNAEOPC, AILIMPO
** Associate member associations currently are: DVAI, DVRH, CIHEF, Moldova Lavender Association
*** Association or professional organisation whose members are individuals
Member fees include access to all information from EFEO but do not include extra costs for specific activities such as e.g.: tests/analysis of substances with a view to sustain EFEO´s positions in existing or oncoming legislation, costs arising from organising/support to REACH consortia.
The annual membership fee increases by 3% every year.


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The European Federation of Essential Oils aims to represent producers and traders of essential oils and related products within Europe. It protects and promotes their interest and acts in defence of these products at relevant national, European and international level.

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