MANE is a leading fragrance and flavour house, run and owned by the MANE family since 1871.

MANE has built its growth and reputation on technological innovation, particularly in the areas of natural extraction, encapsulation and flavouring solutions for complex formulations.

MANE is committed to sustainable and profitable development, driven by a long-term vision. The company was the first Flavour House to sign the UN Global Compact back in 2003.

For more information, please visit

Key Products

  • Flavoured solutions
  • Fragranced solutions
  • Raw materials


Mrs Samantha MANE • Director – EMEA Region
Tel.: +33 (0)4 93 09 70 00

Mr Cyril GALLARDO • Assistant Director – EMEA Region / Ingredients Director – EMEA Region
Tel.: +33 (0)4 93 09 70 00

MrsJennifer BEHAR • Corporate Communication
Tel.: +33 (0)4 93 09 70 00


Tel.: +33 (0)4 93 09 70 00

620 route de Grasse – 06620 Le Bar-sur-Loup – FRANCE

The European Federation of Essential Oils aims to represent producers and traders of essential oils and related products within Europe. It protects and promotes their interest and acts in defence of these products at relevant national, European and international level.

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